Hi All,
I'm seeing "error drawing graph" on several of our Cisco ASR's interfaces, so I'm hoping someone coupe point me in the right direction. I'm running Centos 6.6 with the latest rrdtool rrdtool-1.3.8-7.el6-x86_64 and CE version I've removed the specific graph rrd file then run the following two commands for debugging purposes. php ./discovery.php -d -h router.local.com php ./poller.php -d -h router.local.com. The file is 0 bytes for some reason. Oddly enough two of the three interfaces issues are with BDI interfaces. The weird part is there is one BDI interface on each box that is displaying correctly. Let me know if you any anything else to assist in troubleshooting.
Thanks, Chip
Port BDI3004(62) replacing with 64-bit... dot3Duplex, VLAN == TELECOM TRANSIT // CID: // CONTACT:
ifInOctets (583452815 B) 2244049.2884615 Bps 260 secs
ifOutOctets (34747474 B) 133644.13076923 Bps 260 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 260 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 260 secs
ifInUcastPkts (5021371 B) 19312.965384615 Bps 260 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (50407 B) 193.87307692308 Bps 260 secs bps(17.9Mbps/1.07Mbps)bytes(556MB/33.1MB)pkts(19.3kpps/193pps)RRD[%g/usr/bin/rrdtool create /opt/observium/rrd/router.local.com/port-62.rrd \ DS:INOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTOCTETS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTERRORS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTNUCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INDISCARDS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTDISCARDS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INUNKNOWNPROTOS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INBROADCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTBROADCASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:INMULTICASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 \ DS:OUTMULTICASTPKTS:DERIVE:600:0:12500000000 --step 300 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:2976 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:1440 RRA:MIN:0.5:6:1440 RRA:MIN:0.5:96:360 RRA:MIN:0.5:288:1440 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:1440 RRA:MAX:0.5:96:360 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:1440 %n] rrd_dontneed: Argument 'rrd_file' is NULL. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/router.local.com/port-62.rrd N:2646180175082:22831627397426:0:0:22904108823:35248380163:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] stdout[ERROR: mmaping file '/opt/observium/rrd/router.local.com/port-62.rrd': Invalid argument] stderr[]]