I see a strange behavior on our Cisco-switches (different models) when listing the interfaces via SNMP using the mib BRIDGE-MIB.
When walking dot1dbaseportifindex it excludes interfaces that are UP. Only interfaces that are DOWN or DISABLED are returned.
Is this something that is well known? Seems to me that is a bug in ios…
It breaks neighbor discovery via LLDP (lldp-mib.inc.php).
Cisco Switch – ports 1-7 are UP, the rest DOWN
/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c 'XXXX' -OQUs -m BRIDGE-MIB –M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'test-host' dot1dBasePortIfIndex
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.8 = 10108
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.9 = 10109
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.10 = 10110
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.11 = 10111
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.12 = 10112
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.13 = 10113
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.14 = 10114
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.15 = 10115
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.16 = 10116
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.17 = 10117
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.18 = 10118
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.19 = 10119
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.20 = 10120
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.21 = 10121
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.22 = 10122
HP 10 port switch , all interfaces are always listed
/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c 'XXXX' -OQUs -m BRIDGE-MIB –M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'test-host' dot1dBasePortIfIndex
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.1 = 1
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.2 = 2
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.3 = 3
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.4 = 4
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.5 = 5
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.6 = 6
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.7 = 7
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.8 = 8
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.9 = 9
dot1dBasePortIfIndex.10 = 10
/Ulrik Ivers
Ulrik Ivers
Excanto AB
Sveavägen 63 | 113 59 Stockholm
Mobil: 0709-90 95 06
Växel: 08-545 726 00
Web: www.excanto.se