Hi All,

I'd like to direct your attention to another project run by some friends of mine: the NLNOG RING.

The project is based around the goals of making network debugging much easier. When trying to debug complex problems and plan future upgrades, a point of view from outside your network is absolutely essential. Seeing what others see is incredibly useful when dealing with a variety of network problems. Well known examples are ‘it works for even numbered ip address, but not for odd numbered ip address via this and this route’.

To streamline such debugging the NLNOG RING was formed. In essence the project is very simple: you make a (virtual) machine available to the RING, and you gain access on all other servers which are part of the RING. The project currently has 98 nodes, located on 89 participant networks in 24 countries. The RING provides tools to trivially launch a ping from all these nodes and summarize the results to, other examples are distributed tracerouting and MTU testing.

The RING also maintains a record of latencies between nodes using smokeping to help identify historic problems.

Before applying to join, keep the following requirements in mind: 

Have a look at https://ring.nlnog.net/ for more information.
You can also email ring-admins@ring.nlnog.net with any questions you have. 
