Hi Adam,
Is there a way to debug it?
If I enter a word in the Billing Name nothing is found but I am sure that there are records matching the search string. Also the User dropdown box contains an empty record, could this be the problem because the ‘All Types’ first match is "All Types". See attached snippets.
Best regards,
Jan Kuiper
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 11:29:06 +0100
From: "Adam Armstrong" <adama@memetic.orgmailto:adama@memetic.org>
To: "" <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org>
Subject: Re: [Observium] Customer billing search
Message-ID: <dfdfe0ac-7975-4487-8726-c10b0111b71e@getmailbird.commailto:dfdfe0ac-7975-4487-8726-c10b0111b71e@getmailbird.com>
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This seems to work fine for me.
On 12/05/2016 09:33:45, Jan Kuiper <j.kuiper@piramide.nlmailto:j.kuiper@piramide.nl> wrote:
I want to search for a bill, but the bill search function seems to be broken again, even when we clear the search settings no records are found. A refresh (F5) of the page show all records again.
Is it possible to fix this? We are running version
Best regards,
Jan Kuiper
From: Jan Kuiper
Sent: maandag 10 augustus 2015 17:11
To: observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org
Subject: Customer billing
I want to search for bills, but the bill search function does only give all bills instead of the requested Bill Name. Has anyone the same issue, if no what can I do wrong or fix it? I am running the stable version 6833.
Met vriendelijke groet / Kind Regards,
Jan Kuiper
Piramide ICT Services | Kollergang 9 | 7773 NG Hardenberg | Postbus 220 | 7770 AE Hardenberg info@piramide.nlmailto:info@piramide.nl [mailto:info@piramide.nl] | http://www.piramide.nl [http://www.piramide.nl] | +31 (0)523 261 387
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