Since lot of days I tried to configure the email alert in observium but it’s impossible to receive some alert emails…. L
you can see there, a part of my config.php
// Mailer backend Settings
$config['email']['enable'] = TRUE; // Enable/Disable email globally
$config['email']['from'] = '"OBSERVIUM Network Monitor" <observium@s****.fr>'; // Mail from. Default: "Observium" <observium@`hostname`>
$config['email']['default'] = "d*****@gmail.com"; // Default alert recipient
$config['email']['default_only'] = TRUE; // Only use default recipient (all alerts send to default recipient)
$config['email']['backend'] = 'sendmail'; // Mail backend. Allowed: "mail" (PHP's built-in), "sendmail", "smtp".
// sendmail backend specific options
$config['email']['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; // The location of the sendmail program.
// smtp backend specific options
$config['email']['smtp_host'] = 'localhost'; // Outgoing SMTP server name.
$config['email']['smtp_port'] = 25; // The port to connect.
$config['email']['smtp_timeout'] = 10; // SMTP connection timeout in seconds.
$config['email']['smtp_secure'] = NULL; // Enable encryption. Use 'tls' or 'ssl'
$config['email']['smtp_auth'] = FALSE; // Whether or not to use SMTP authentication.
$config['email']['smtp_username'] = NULL; // SMTP username.
$config['email']['smtp_password'] = NULL; // Password for SMTP authentication.
// Alerting Settings
$config['poller-wrapper']['alerter'] = TRUE;
$config['alerts']['bgp']['whitelist'] = NULL; // Populate as an array() with ASNs to alert on.
$config['alerts']['port']['ifdown'] = TRUE; // Generate alerts for ports that go down
$config['alerts']['port']['ifdown_types'] = array('core', 'transit', 'peering');
// Port bandwidth threshold percentage %age utilisation above this will cause an alert
$config['alerts']['port_util_alert'] = FALSE; // Disabled as default
//$config['alerts']['port_util_alert'] = TRUE; // Disabled as default
$config['alerts']['port_util_perc'] = 85; // %age above which to alert
$config['uptime_warning'] = "60"; // Time in seconds to display a "Device Rebooted" Alert. 0 to disable warnings.
I tried different config, but nothing is working and with this config when I do a test, I receive the e-mail in my gmail box, but nothing about port down or bgp session down…
php ./test_mail.php -d -h sto-rtr-edge-*****.lan
CMD[/bin/hostname -f]
Observium v0.14.9.5798
Test E-mail Configuration
My Hostname: pu1-webnoc.s****.lan
E-mails ENABLED globally
E-mails use SENDMAIL backend
sendmail path: [/usr/sbin/sendmail]
E-mails send only to default email
E-mails use these default recipient(s):
E-mails send from:
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` LIKE 'sto-rtr-edge-a****.s****.lan']
Try send test notification for sto-rtr-edge-a****.s****.lan to these email(s):
SQL[SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = '35' AND `attrib_type` = 'disable_notify']
SQL[SELECT DISTINCT `contact_method` FROM `alert_contacts` WHERE `contact_disabled` = 0 AND `contact_id` IN (SELECT `alert_contact_id` FROM `alert_contacts_assoc` WHERE `alert_checker_id` = '');]
Notification for sto-rtr-edge-a****.s****.lan SENT.
And I didn’t see anything in /var/log/mail.log, I see only my test.
Thanks for your time