When looking at the 6 hour graph, if I graph previous, shouldn’t it show what happened during that time frame 24 hours ago? It looks like it’s just showing what happened the 6 hours before the 6 hours I’m looking at. Which is I guess technically true for what “Graph Previous” means. Is there a way to graph previous time frame yesterday?

My use case is zooming in on a time frame and then looking at usage and then trying to see what happened yesterday to see if there was a significant difference. If I zoom in and see the 20 minutes before hand, well it’s just not useful.

It works fine for 24 hr, and week and month.  48 hr could be a little weird as well.

The last 6 hours with graph previous - I don’t know how useful it is to see the previous 6 hours here.

The actual previous time period yesterday - not to same scale

This is what is actually being graphed in graph previous.