On 17.07.15 10:09, Fabrice Charlier wrote:
Hi all,

Since last update of observium professional version that we did last monday, alert emails are not anymore accepted by our mailing list service (based on Sympa software).

After investigations by our mail system administrator, it seems that problem is coming from fields ordering in observium mails header: "From", "Date" et "Message-ID" should be before others fields prefixed by "X-". Another problem is that email address in "From" field should be between "< >".
1. "From" not "should be" between <>, but can be.
    Anyway this is what you set manually in config, since autogenerated From is like "Observium <observium@domain>"
2. About X- headers, it's also not should, but can.. seems this is just Sympa thinks as.
3. In update added headers: "Precedence", "Auto-submitted" and "X-Auto-Response-Suppress" for suppress autorespond by issue systems (if mail To is point to it).

But anyway I changed headers order in r6668 ;)

Example of mail generated by observium here: http://pastebin.com/tiJFG10e
If we modify this example like this http://pastebin.com/DryMB9MJ, it's correctly delivered by our mailing list service.

I suppose that some modifications have been done in observium mail system in last weeks because it's a very new problem for us.


Mike Stupalov