
my company was using Observium (Subsciption Edition, SE)  for quite a long time so I wanted to stick with Observium for my private lab. Since I have just some private Mikrotik routers and APs in the lab, the commercial edition might be way too mighty for my ~ 10 devices.

So I tried to get the old installation downgraded to the CE edition. There was a hint on Observium's website a long time ago but I was not able to find it anymore.

So I tried the idea from the current webpage (starting from Community Edition):

Since I had an old Mariadb installation, I had to upgrade to Mariadb10.6.17 as well during installation.

After I updated the databases with

/opt/observium/discovery.php -u

and made a full discovery with

/opt/observium/discovery.php -h all

But I ran in trouble with the installation:

So, my downgrade does not work this way. And yes, I got a backup of the previous installation ;-)

I think, this derives from the information, that the CE Version does not support groups (?), but this is just a guess.

So basically, I have two questions:

1. Is there a recipe to downgrade from commercial to community edition?

2. Would'nt it make sense to have an subscription edition limited to private / home lab (aka advanced private users) users with a limitation in the max. amount of devices? I think, the SE is a little bit too expensive to private installations. And yes, therefore is a CE, but therefore I would need to downgrade which did not work out for me.

