Some of these could be known issues but I didn't see anything in the bugtracker and wanted to see if they were somehow unique to my installation.
There are a couple pages that completely error out, the browser get's a failure trying to load. For me that is the main Inventory page under the overview tab, and the all ports page. I have currently 30 devices with ~16k ports in my system.
For a page like the all ports page I would expect that to take some time to render as it's pulling together a lot of info for 16k interfaces, however after maybe 1-2 seconds it fails.
Filtering under the traffic bills page doesn't seem to work, when I first started entering Bills I know I was able to filter by over/under quota, however now that I have 67 in it doesn't seem to work. Also I'm not sure what the 'All Customers' drop down is supposed to filter on as I've filled out all the customer/bill related fields when adding a new bill and it never populates.
In general I don't see any place to look for clues as to what is failing on the page failures, as the apache error.log doesn't have anything and the observium.log file is only poller items. Can I enable more verbose logging into the observium.log file somehow?