Hello all,
Would it be possible to have the following two OIDs displayed for our Dell Compellent arrays. |
Disk Folder Storage Usage total space, in GB |
| |
Disk Folder Storage Usage used space, in GB |
Preferable together on the same graph – to let us know how much space has been used.
On our arrays the sub object .2 is the only one to return a value.
iso. = Gauge32: 0
iso. = Gauge32: 43434
iso. = Gauge32: 0
iso. = Gauge32: 84496
we are doing this with the custom OID function at the moment but it’s a bit clunky as it returns in Gb so 82TB comes out as 82k Gb for example, and they are separate graphs.
If you need access to a device or more info please let me know as we would be happy to help.
Richard Wigzell 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN