If you override the sysLocation in Observium and set it to Mulberry, Indiana does that correct it? 

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Richard Kuhns <rjk@wintek.com> wrote:

We had been running the community version of Observium for a few weeks. I set the syslocation for each device, and when using the Google API each device appeared on the map exactly where it should. I used google instead of mapquest because when using mapquest a number of locations were wrong even though I used the exact address mapquest.com showed when I looked it up.

We recently went Pro, and it's well worth the money. However, the map is no longer useful. We currently have 62 devices we're monitoring, all within a small geographic area in central Indiana around Lafayette. 61 of the 62 devices show up within a single block around our default latitude & longitude.

For example, in the event log I find an entry for mulberry-sw1:

2015-01-14 09:25:00     mulberry-sw1    System  Geolocation (GOOGLE) -> [40.420760, -86.890249] United States (Country), Indiana (State), Tippecanoe County (County), Lafayette (City)

This is just wrong. The actual location string for this device (which has been untouched since it worked correctly for the community version) shows that it's in Mulberry, Indiana. That's even in a different county.

Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Richard Kuhns <rjk@wintek.com>     Main Number:      765-742-8428
Wintek Corporation                 Direct:           765-269-8541
427 N 6th Street                   Internet Support: 765-269-8503
Lafayette, IN 47901-2211           Consulting:       765-269-8504
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