Make full snmp dump and send me:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <community>  --hexOutputLength=0 -ObentxU <hostname> .1 > myagent.snmpwalk
snmpwalk -v2c -c <community>  --hexOutputLength=0 -ObentxU <hostname> . >> myagent.snmpwalk

Simon Mousey Smith via observium wrote on 19/06/2019 15:46:
Hi All

How simple is it to graph a UPS load in observium?

We have bought a new UPS, and observium found all sorts from it straight away

However it doesn’t appear to show a LOAD capacity?

Its a MegaTec network card and Power Inspired UPS

The snmp exists in min already - upsSmartOutputLoad and it only shows a percentage

Maybe I can add a graph under the Capacity ?


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Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited,