You're the only person to have ever reported this, so I'm going to assume you're setting a silly password like "password", and your install is getting hacked.
There's literally nothing in Observium which could cause this to happen otherwise. This is definitely user error.
adam. On 25/03/2016 13:03:47, Sathish.I sathish.i@ctrls.in wrote: Hello Adam, I have found wired behavior with Observium, may be it is my configuration mistake or I am not sure. My issue, I am used login Observium GUI using admin user. After some days, when I try to login with observium I am getting authentication failed. Here I have not changed in configuration. This is happened, 3 times in last 1 month. Every time I used to rebuild the Observium. Please suggest a solution and let me know if you want any information. Regards, sathish