
Attached is the picture from the 'RRD command' tab.

How do i see what svn updates are available where can i check previous update #s?

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Spencer Gaw <spencerg@frii.net> wrote:
What does the 'RRD Command' section say when looking at a graph?

To rollback, pick a revision and run: 'svn update -r <revision_number>'. You could try incrementally rolling back until things work again, then work forward to see where things break.



On 12/29/2014 10:36 AM, Darian Jimenez wrote:

answers to your questions.

1 - All graphs
2 - All devices (network switches/ firewall/ windows servers)
3 - Not 100% sure when it started but it seems like a week ago or about when I did an SVN update. Don't know how to use svn much so no idea on how to rollback.
4 - Debug log hasn't been showing any new data since 12/18/14. I actually asked this on a separate email and no one answered.

The only graphs that are showing up fine are the smokeping ones.

Sorry if it seems like your beating answer out of me but i am for one not a Linux expert and just getting into linux full time. A lot of the simple logs and debugging things I don't know how to do because of this (more experience in windows/networking). Also there is lack of documentation and use of observium so googling doesn't always turn up an answer.

Hope you can help.

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