I'm not sure the proper protocol to request merging of small added bits, but I added two additional nprobe plugins, check_haproxy and check_ldap, to my install.
The diff for probes.inc.php is below, but it also required a small modification to the check_ldap perl script (update hard-coded module dir). The LDAP probe I used is the version in the nagios-probe-contrib package Debian package, not the compiled C version distributed via the plugins tarfile from
nagios.org; I used it because the contrib/perl version allows anonymous binding for just a basic service health check and doesn't require user/pwd/base-DN.
Index: includes/definitions/entities/probes.inc.php
--- includes/definitions/entities/probes.inc.php (revision 10122)
+++ includes/definitions/entities/probes.inc.php (working copy)
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@
$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests FTP connections';
$config['probes'][$probe]['args']['default'] = "-H %hostname%";
+$probe = 'check_haproxy';
+$config['probes'][$probe]['enable'] = 1;
+$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests HAProxy health by parsing the stats page';
+$config['probes'][$probe]['args']['default'] = "-H %hostname%";
$probe = 'check_imap';
$config['probes'][$probe]['enable'] = 1;
$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests IMAP connections';
@@ -68,6 +73,11 @@
$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests Jabber connections';
$config['probes'][$probe]['args']['default'] = "-H %hostname%";
+$probe = 'check_ldap';
+$config['probes'][$probe]['enable'] = 1;
+$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests LDAP/LDAPS connections';
+$config['probes'][$probe]['args']['default'] = "-H %hostname%";
$probe = 'check_nntp';
$config['probes'][$probe]['enable'] = 1;
$config['probes'][$probe]['descr'] = 'Tests NNTP connections';
Aaron Finney
Infrastructure Engineering | OpenX
888 East Walnut Street, 2nd Floor | Pasadena, CA 91101
o: +1 (626) 466-1141 x6035 |