Ok, you can fix that by adding the right domain to your config.
for Cisco switches that is:
ip domain yourdomain.com

this will make the switch report its FQDN via CDP so that it will be "swe10011-otherthings.yourdomain.com" and if you autogenerate DNS for that Observium will be able to resolv it and add the switch via autodiscovery.


2016-11-25 9:14 GMT+01:00 Svensson Fredrik A <fredrik.a.svensson@rjl.se>:

We are having an installation with over 1000 switches, and several persons are installing new switches every week.

So, just to be able to know where and to what switch a new device is connected is impossible.


DNS is in our case auto-generated, BUT, we are allowing additions in the hostname after the standard first 8 characters in the name/dns-entry.


But, we solved it:

discovery.php -d -h all | grep "autodiscovery fails" >/opt/observium/logs/discovery.log


From that file a can see what switches that not is added through autodiscovery.


”discovery fails” comes from the rows in the discovery process:


o Try discovering host swe10011-otherthings through CDP

Host swe10011-otherthings not resolved, autodiscovery fails.


I hope this can help others witch the same problem.






Från: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] För Markus Klock
Skickat: den 24 november 2016 15:20
Till: Observium Network Observation System <observium@observium.org>
Ämne: Re: [Observium] Debug autodiscovery ?


Fromt the CLI run this:

./discovery.php -d -m neighbours -h <device-you-want-to-start-discovery-from>


this will run the discovery module on a device, look for neighours and the try to add the discovered neighbours to observium, -d will add debug output




2016-11-24 15:13 GMT+01:00 Svensson Fredrik A <fredrik.a.svensson@rjl.se>:

No ideas about this?


/ Fredrik


Från: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] För Svensson Fredrik A
Skickat: den 23 november 2016 15:02
Till: Observium Network Observation System <observium@observium.org>
Ämne: [Observium] Debug autodiscovery ?



I know that many of my new devices doesnt have the same DNS and hostname, so, autodiscovery is not working.

Is there a way to debug this so I know what switches isn’t autodiscovered?





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