The intended way to do this is to alert on down ports, and then ensure that you don’t have any needlessly down ports, alerting on the state of being down, rather than on the event of changing from one state to another.


If you have an environment where you have lots of down ports, you can use the group/association system to limit the alert to a certain subset of ports.


To alert on a port which is enabled (administratively up) but (operationally) down, you want:


ifAdminStatus equals up

ifOperStatus notequals up




From: observium <> On Behalf Of Luis Olavarrieta via observium
Sent: 21 December 2020 22:32
Cc: Luis Olavarrieta <>
Subject: [Observium] creating alert when port status change


Adam / team:


How do you create a rule when a port changes it status?

I need to send an email when a port (different than the WAN) changes it status from up to down.





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