Casper -

I run Affirmed Systems - we managed over 15000 servers and 5000 amazon instances for clients. 60/40 our servers vs. Customer owned servers.

We switched from opmanager to observium in July. Clients love the dashboard and look of observium. I would say observium is one of if not the best.

We previously used logicmonitor, nagios, opmanager, cacti and others.

The monitoring in observium is limited - to what scripts you can write and integrate with the platform.

We use lots of other things - monit, mmonit, bash scripts, smokeping - but for our internal client dashboard - observium has the look, feel and functionality of a champion.


From: Casper A.. Jensen []
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 03:15 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Observium] How excatly does the alert and customer feature work in observium pro edition
Hi all,

I tried asking this on the forum:

but after 22 views no one hasn't answered.. 

I tried the IRC but it seemed to be closed? I was told by the bot that my chat messages wasn't sent to channel.. 

So now i try here.. 

I run a IT consultant company and we are maybe planing on using observium. For now we have a test installation of the free version running to much success!

Besides the ease of use through SNMP we do look to the customer feature and alert feature you get with the pro edition.

How much is built into the alert feature? is it only mail or does it also support text?
What is ment by rule based grouping?

And maybe the most important one of all. The customer feature? can i use it to separate my different clients so its easier to oversee what devices belong to what client? or is it more for the billing feature?

This product looks vary promising!