just tested all of the following:

1) Removed the $config['ports_page_default'] line from config.php. The Ports page then defaults (and highlights) the Details page.

2) Used: $config['ports_page_default'] = "basic/"
    Here the Ports page shows the Basic page with Basic highlighted

3) Used: $config['ports_page_default'] = "details/"
    Here the Ports page shows the Details page with Details highlighted

4) Used: $config['ports_page_default']  = "graphs/bits/"
    Here the Ports page shows the Basic page with nothing highlighted

5) Used: $config['ports_page_default']  = "lsjkdljsklsd"
    Here the Ports page shows the Basic page with nothing highlighted
So, it appears one can toggle between Basic and Details. For anything else, not sure the correct format to use for the value. Everything else I tried fell into 5 above.


On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Adam Armstrong <adama@memetic.org> wrote:
It used to just be appended to ports page URLs.

Is the default basic? It should be detailed!


Tom Laermans <tom.laermans@powersource.cx> wrote:

Why not document options going away? It's still in the list of configuration options on the wiki.

Or: why can't this work with the url format? :P


On 24/05/2013 18:56, Adam Armstrong wrote:
Does that option still work? I thought it died when we changed the URL format?


Chris Stone <axisml@gmail.com> wrote:

In your config.php file:

$config['ports_page_default']      = "details/"; ## eg "basic/" "graphs/bits/"


On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Jason Lixfeld <jason@lixfeld.ca> wrote:

Is it possible to change the default ports display for a device from Basic to Details?  Also, can I filter the display only to show interfaces that match a certain criteria.  ie:  Admin = Up, Oper = Up, Type = Ethernet or L2 VLAN (802.1q) or IEEE 803.2ad Link Agg?

I find that the default display shows a lot of stuff for interfaces that I'm not particularly interested in, so I'd like to be able to clean that up.  I know I can toggle polling on a per-device basis, but I'm hoping there's a method that is a little more dynamic than that.

Thanks in advance.

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Chris Stone
AxisInternet, Inc.

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Chris Stone
AxisInternet, Inc.