Le Thu, May 26, 2016 at 05:38:06PM +0300, Mike Stupalov a écrit:
Updated: bgpPeerIdentifier and bgpPeerLocalAddr
Ok, I think in r7893 it should be complete fixed (for your devices). /(But next discovery anyway should display such message one more time)./
It's kinda better, but there's a new problem :)
14s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 41s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 10m 16s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 10m 42s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 20m 15s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 20m 41s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 30m 15s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 30m 42s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 40m 14s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 40m 41s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 50m 15s edge.dc2 edge.dc2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers 50m 42s edge.pa2 edge.pa2.domain.tld Forced discovery module(s): bgp-peers
Strangely, it appears "only" every 10 minutes, but the poller is ran every five...
Ah, got it from the debug log.
BGP peers list for this device changed, force rediscover BGP. SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `force_discovery` ='1' WHERE `device_id` = '9'] SQL RUNTIME[0.07306910s]
and every other five minutes, discovery.php is ran too.
poller.php debug log enclosed.