Hi guys,


our instance: observium 20.10.10799(rolling)


i have two issues (a question and a problem ) in the subject Alert Checkers.


The question:


Is it Possible to configure my alert Checkers that test two different sensors (different entities ) I have two sensor

-          flowrate Sensor

-          Valve Sensor

For example like this:

Require all conditions:

(flowrate Sensor)sensor_value eq 0

(Valve Sensor)sensor_value eq 0

What I saw in the documentation that we can check only one entity at a time.  



The Problem:


1-      Creating new alert Checker

2-      filtering devices or sensors  in Entity Association Ruleset  (for example: Sensor Group in WaterSensor)

3-      save changes (all sensor will be listed )

4-      rebuild

5-      all sensor appearing in status  unknown

6-      wait a 3 or 4 minutes all sensors will disappear



any advices or hint ?


thx in advanced an have a nice Day  

Saleh Tibi



Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Saleh Tibi



Ing: Saleh Tibi (Herr)

IT-Spezialist für Maschinensäle und Überwachung


Zentrum für Informations- und  Medientechnologie (ZIM)|Raum

Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf

Universitaetsstrasse 1

40225 Duesseldorf


Email:   Tibi.saleh@uni-duesseldorf.de

Phone:   +49-(0)211-81-14051