We don't currently support alerting.
It is on the road-map for the future, but for now you need to also use something like Nagios or Icinga for alerting.
On Tue, 2 Apr 2013 18:41:37 +0600, Abul Bashar Azad abazad@office.bdcom.com wrote:
Hi Observium Team, BDCOM is one of the big ISP and IP Telephony Service provider in
I am deploy it in my IP Telephony network. I am follow your
step by step. I am add host and view all the graph its working fine. But
can not see any alert message. I am configure it but its not working.
you please help me how can i get specific alert like my ram memory 75%
Processor 60% use. I need customised alert to monitor my netwrok device properly . I am wating for your valuable feedback.