Hi Randy,

There is a backend option as a device attribute - some devices report their management URL or ports through SNMP, and then our code (can) set a device attribute for the web interface to use.

Whether connect via ssh, telnet, http or https are available in the dropdown is controlled by our OS definitions, it's probably missing for Sonicwall. If it's a custom port and the devices does not tell us via SNMP we won't guess it correctly though.

Do you know if it's in one of the sonicwall MIBs?


On 3/9/2018 6:34 AM, Randy Schultz wrote:

Posted this earlier today in Jira as an Improvement but got to thinking I should have first emailed here...


Am an MSP / MSSP that's new to Observium...

See from the Device drop down the ability to Connect Via Telnet / SSH / etc to some of my devices (eg Vmware) but don't see this option for my (SonicWALL) firewalls. Would very much like to have the ability to manually configure a device-specific Connect Via link. For example...

I've looked through several of the MySQL tables where I thought I might find this info but couldn't find anything. Am I just missing it or is this not an option today? 

Randy Schultz

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