
 here list of optional configuration for use SSL:

// Optionally SSL (only for MySQLi)
$config['db_ssl']           = FALSE;       // If TRUE mysql connection uses ssl (only available with mysqli engine)
$config['db_ssl_verify']    = TRUE;        // disables SSL certificate validation on mysqlnd
#$config['db_ssl_key']       = '';          // path to ssl key file
#$config['db_ssl_cert']      = '';          // path to ssl certificate file
#$config['db_ssl_ca']        = '';          // path to ssl ca file
#$config['db_ssl_ca_path']   = '';          // path to ca files
#$config['db_ssl_ciphers']   = '';          // allowed ciphers to use for ssl connection

Ryan Tee via observium wrote on 4.04.2022 05:40:

Hi ,


We would like to check followings in Observium systems.


How to make sure that, in Observium systems, database Security Server and TCP database port uses TLS v1.2 or above  for communications.


This is to ensure communication is secured.


Appreciate share with us, to configure setting config.php file in Observium systems.







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