Thanks Adam, yeah – noticed the enterprise version and distributed polling is new and highly appreciate that features.
I’ve installed one manually and one with the script – only wanted to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong or messing up something.

We have a datacenter in US, EU and CN where the RRDCache and MySQL instance is running in EU and I want to deploy two or three pollers in every other datacenter.
Anyone using MySQL active/active or Galera cluster or is it recommended to stick with a single MySQL server?



From: observium <> On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong via observium

Hi Alexander,


These are very new features, and the documentation is trailing a little. I think the documentation for the distributed setup on the site is still only partially complete. As is the way when you have to decide between code and documentation! :)


At the moment the script doesn't have an option to install a "partial" install, but a regular one will do fine. You can remove mysql and apache after the install.


When updating the master and slave instances, you only need to do "./discovery.php -u" on the master, since that's where all of the data is held. The rest only need svn up for code updates.



On 2019-03-14 17:03:55, Joelly, Alexander via observium <> wrote:


Is there a docu or install guide for the distributed setup?
I have manually installed the rrd and mysql server – the install script only has the option to install the community, pro stable, pro rolling and unix agent.
How to I install the gui server and pollers properly that they are all getting updated?
Do I have to run the install script on every poller and remove the packages I do not need on them – like mysql server?
