Just make a port group that matches description "Peering:*" and another that matches "Transit:*" (or whatever description parsing you use) and use those group IDs :)
Den 8 nov. 2016 4:14 em skrev "Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR" < ybzahr@prodware.fr>:
Dear Markus,
Excellent tip !
What would be the value for X if I were to use integrated transit + peering graphs in Observium ?
Best regards.
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Markus Klock markus@best-practice.se Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: mardi 8 novembre 2016 15:57 To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] Overal Transit Traffic Today
You can also get some really nice traffic stats if you specify this in the config: $config['frontpage']['portpercent']['Peering'] = array('group' => X); $config['frontpage']['portpercent']['Cache'] = array('group' => X); $config['frontpage']['portpercent']['Transit'] = array('group' => X);
where you change X to the id of a port-group of all your peering, cache and transit-interfaces respectively Then you get: [image: Infogad bild 1]
*Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR* - Consultant Expert Prodware France T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 - ybzahr@prodware.fr
Web : prodware.fr http://www.prodware.fr
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2016-11-08 15:47 GMT+01:00 Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR ybzahr@prodware.fr:
Hello Alex,
I’m no expert but I think the answer is here : http://www.observium.org/docs/config_options/#frontpage-settings
I, too, have to tune my config.php configuration in order to display some extra settings.
Best regards.
From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Alex Winder observium@alexwinder.uk Reply-To: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Date: mardi 8 novembre 2016 15:43 To: "observium@observium.org" observium@observium.org Subject: [Observium] Overal Transit Traffic Today
Hi all,
I just visited the live demo on Observium’s site and noticed that when you log in there’s an overall transit traffic today section. On our version of Observium we don’t have this, even though versions seem to be the same (Observium (stable)). I’ve had a quick look in the global settings but can’t see how to enable this?
Has anyone got this working on their installs, we’d like to have this feature on ours J
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
*Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR* - Consultant Expert Prodware France T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 - ybzahr@prodware.fr
Web : prodware.fr http://www.prodware.fr
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