We currently use them to help isolate systems by site, function, OS, etc. As for what’s missing or needed. The ability to display the grouped objects with their specific graphs, similar to how the Apps display. Example: I want to display Traffic graphs for all ports in a group. One option for enabling this would be to add a button/checkbox option beside each graph as it’s being displayed to add it to a group. That way you could easily select each graph you want to group and mix and match.
The groups menu bar on the overview page, be able to add or remove group entity types.
Ron Culler CTO Secure Designs Inc
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:46 AM To: observium@observium.org Subject: [Observium] Group system
Hi All,
Any of you guys using the groups system? If so, what for? What's missing? What changes would make it more useful?
Cheers, adam.
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