Graphs by group is something I'm adding at the moment! :D


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On 17/06/2015 18:33:53, Milton Ngan <> wrote:

The main thing I wanted the group system to be able to do was to view graphs by groups. There was a mechanism to do this at one stage, but it was clumsy and hard to find each time. 

The sorts of things that I wanted to be able to do with the group system was to view all the traffic by datacenter, and by port type by datacenter. Also being able to group the environmental/health stats by datacenter. Then have all these easily accessible. I ended up writing a dashboard page (in Python not PHP sorry) for doing the traffic views using the data and graph URLs from Observium. But it would be nice to generalize that idea for different entity types. 

On Jun 17, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:

Hi All,

Any of you guys using the groups system? If so, what for? What's missing? What changes would make it more useful?


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