The correct way to do this is as a transport itself.
This isn't really the intended use of the webhooks, and you'd sidestep the difficulty of accessing the graphs if the code was an actual transport.
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On 26 Feb 2019, 19:51, at 19:51, Ryan Huff via observium observium@observium.org wrote:
Hey folks, thought I'd share with the community as I recently had a need that I had to build the tool for and thought others might benefit too: https://github.com/ryanthuff/Observium_Webex_Notifier
Its a script an OBS webhook contact can post to, and then post those alert details to a Cisco Webex Teams space. The instructions are pretty clear and found in the README.md. I just run the script on-box in the OBS web path (.../html/...) somewhere, then just use that URL for the OBS contact Webhook. I have been using for awhile and it works really well thus far.
Ryan Huff, CCDP, CCNP Cisco Certified Network and Design Professional
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