Or you can just go with a nice juniper VC and forget cisco all together ;)

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Adam Armstrong <adama@memetic.org> wrote:

> It kicks into high gear and stops responding during
> the dot1dStpPortEntry dot1dBasePortEntry polling once it hits a few
> that exist in the vlan table but not used. Our active VLANs pass without
> any issues. Once it hits this wall, no further queries get responses.
> Polling these same values on the unused VLANs from other switches in the
> same VTP causes no issues (various models and versions)

This is likely because the control plane is going to the individual
device's forwarding ASICs to get information. The code doing that is often
a bit inefficient or buggy.

Witness the amazing QC on code from Cisco which is aimed at "enterprise"
applications :)

The answer to "3750 stack?" is almost always "6500" (sometimes 4500) :)

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