Hi Rudolf,

Yes, I'm still having problems. The Map shows only the green button in Atlantic ocean.
I have the following sysLocation at config file for each device:

$config['location_map']['Device1']="HQ, Berlin, DE";
$config['location_map']['Device2']="HQ, Rome, IT";

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Rudolf Hoehler <rudolf@saicomvoice.co.za> wrote:
Hello Andi, 

Are you still having the problem? What is the sysLocation string that you use?


From: Andi Qirjazi <aqirjazi@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "observium@observium.org" <observium@observium.org>
Date: Tuesday 07 July 2015 at 17:14
To: "observium@observium.org" <observium@observium.org>
Subject: [Observium] Configuring map interface on new observium installation


I have just installed & configured observium for the first time. The first two devices are added and seems working, but I'm having problem displaying these devices on the map. All the time there is a blue sign on the middle on Atlantic ocean, it doesn't matter what I configure as device location.

Please any idea how to configure the map?
I have tried all the possible configurations at /opt/observium/config.php settings but with no success.
This installation is behind a proxy server, but I have allowed all the traffic from observium host and I don't see any traffic from this host towards proxy server.

I did the following configuration on monitored devices for SNMP settings as follow:

R_TR#sh run | s snmp
snmp-server community aaaaaaa RO
snmp-server ifindex persist
snmp-server location Berlin, DE
snmp-server contact bbbbbbbbbb

at Observium main page, at location tab, is listed Berlin, DE (or Rome, IT another device) but no indication on the map for both devices.

regarding proxy server configuration, at \opt\observium\config.php file I have the following settings:
//configure proxy server settings
$config['http proxy'] = "myproxy:8080";
with no username and password, because I have allowed all the traffic from observium host and it has internet access, because I did manually update and it worked normally.

Please could you send me a sample of a working map configuration?

I have the following configuration regarding geolocation at config.php file:

// $config['frontpage']['map']['region'] = "https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gall$
$config['geocoding']['enable'] =TRUE;                                                                
$config['geocoding']['dns'] = FALSE;                                                                 
$config['location_menu_geocoded'] = FALSE;                                                           
$config['geocoding']['api'] = 'www.googleapis.com/geolocation/v1/geolocate?key=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';

I even tried with just 'google' as API, but it doesn't change anything.

thanks in advance,
Andi Qirjazi

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