Yep, bet Dave is right.  VMware tools modified /etc/hosts so that it lost its correct  selinux MAC labels. 

What does 'ls -latrZ /etc/host* ' give you? 
Compare it to default /etc/hosts.

Might try restorecon using a known good file as a rereference.

On Jul 21, 2014 8:44 AM, "David Lagace" <> wrote:
Hi Scott,

Is Ubuntu running SELinux or AppArmor?  If so, may need to disable.  I had a
case where it would take x number of connections then stop responding.

Hope this helps,

* Scott Benninger ( wrote:
> I have a strange issue that I cannot resolve. I have a recent install of
> the community edition on Ubuntu 14.04. Only difference is the sites
> available directive changes to make it work compared to the official
> install docs.
> Everything was working perfectly and I could login via IP, hostname, or
> FQDN. The server is a VMware VM and I forgot to install the VMware tools so
> our VMware monitoring software would stop complaining. I installed the
> tools and rebooted and now I can only login via the IP. If I try via
> hostname etc the form just clears with no errors. Adding /debug=1/ shows
> the mysql commands etc but no errors.
> I have checked all the hostname settings, defaulted the host file, checked
> the apache and site configs and nothing working. Seems like a php issue to
> me.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance and my apologies if this something simple that I have
> missed.
> Scott

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