We do professional subscription on 2015-09-07 07:52:35. We have login and password for this.
Qus1) Please suggest us that How to take support from observium? My ID 2432. Qus2) My Server are located at Gurgaon, India. But it is showing at R. Francisco de Arruda Furtado 6, 9500-605 Ponta Delgada, Portugal Latitude: 37.746306 | Longitude: -25.666857 Few day ago,I move my .svn directory to another place (/home). Is it related to this? Qus3) Is it bug in observium? If yes please suggest packages to fix this bug.
Note :- Server is monitoring fine But showing server at wrong location.
………… With Warm Regards, Chaman Rathee Mob. No. 9560055816
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Chaman Rathee Sent: 18 September 2015 14:02 To: 'Observium Network Observation System' Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium host located at different location
Observium is showing my all server at :-
R. Francisco de Arruda Furtado 6, 9500-605 Ponta Delgada, Portugal Latitude: 37.746306 | Longitude: -25.666857
This is default latitude and longitude in cinfig.php
$config['geocoding']['default']['lat'] = "37.7463058"; // Default latitude $config['geocoding']['default']['lon'] = "-25.6668573"; // Default longitude
Chaman Rathee
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Chaman Rathee Sent: 18 September 2015 10:23 To: 'Observium Network Observation System' Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium host located at different location
Hi , I changes “ $config['geocoding']['api'] = 'google'; “ in /opt/observium/config.php file.
Then, I refresh and delete all history and cookies But still have same problem.
Qus :- > How to apply config.php changes in observium?
………… With Warm Regards, Chaman Rathee Mob No. 9560055816
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong Sent: 17 September 2015 18:23 To: observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium host located at different location
This is due to the geolocation provider changing their API policies.
You can temporarily work around the issue by changing the API provider to google in your config.php:
$config['geocoding']['api'] = 'mapquest'; // Which GEO API use ('mapquest', 'google', 'osm', 'yandex')
On 17/09/2015 08:18:00, Chaman Rathee <chaman.rathee@progression.commailto:chaman.rathee@progression.com> wrote: Both Location in india (Gurgaon,Channei) have same circle sign. [cid:image004.png@01D0F147.2843D310]
Where server at north atlantic Ocean have different sing. [cid:image005.png@01D0F147.2843D310]
Waiting for reply……….!
……. With Warm Regards, Chaman Rathee
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Chaman Rathee Sent: 17 September 2015 10:08 To: 'Observium Network Observation System' Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium host located at different location
Dear Team,
Location of server is Gurgaon, India. I checked it in Devices->Location->Unknown->Unknown-> Gurgaon, India I am also not able to see these 8 host. When I click on Unknown Devices it shows all Gurgaon, India devices
Please do needful.
……… With Best Regards, Chaman Rathee Mob. No. 91-9560055816
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Cody Cook Sent: 16 September 2015 14:07 To: Observium Network Observation System Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium host located at different location
You need to either set location in snmpd.conf (sysLocation)
Or you need to set the location for that item to that specific location.
[Inline image 1]
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:50 AM, Chaman Rathee <chaman.rathee@progression.commailto:chaman.rathee@progression.com> wrote: Dear Team, My Observium hosts are showing at north atlantic Ocean where server is located at Gurgaon,India. SNMP Configuration file is /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf of host have only single blue line.
rocommunity <community_name>
Please suggest needful on priority basis.
………. With Warm Regards, Chaman Rathee Mob. No. :- +91-9560055816tel:%2B91-9560055816
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