
 I need to see debug syslog entries with problem messages.

Luca Sasdelli via observium wrote on 15/10/2018 12:26:

Hello all,


we’ve several Stormshield firewall (FreeBSD-based) to monitor with Observium; most of them send their syslog properly, but with three of them, the syslogs are correctly received on observium server (seen with tcpdump), but not displayed within the respective entries.


The hostnames does match the ones used with the device names.

The Syslog setup allows unknown host.

The syslog messages filters doesn’t match any possible string in the incoming logs on mentioned devices.

By enabling syslog debug, the observium log writes the correspondent files successfully.


What else should I check for this issue?


Rev. 18.10.9470





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Mike Stupalov
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