2012/1/24 tom.laermans@powersource.cx:
Hi Ciro,
You're covering only half of the problem, unfortunately. As we update the installation instructions for Debian/Ubuntu, we cannot update them on other platforms (I try to find the right package names for new dependencies and add them in, but...) as we can't test if these instructions (still) work.
I don't mind "user submitted" content on the wiki, provided it's correctly marked as non-official documentation and a reference is made to cross-check with the official documentation to see if anything is missing.
Point being, someone will need to keep it up to date or it becomes useless quite quickly...
SLES is like RHEL, its release cycle is of years, contrary to months like openSUSE or Fedora. I plan to use Observium a lot, so I'll be around to update the procedure.
The quick guide was provided to ease up Observium adoption, proficient enough sysadmins will get it up and running using the debian+svn guide, my 2 cents...