Indexes are a necessary evil :)
All ok now.
root@lin:/opt/observium# svn update && ./discovery.php -h none -u Updating '.': A update/205.sql U update/204.sql Updated to revision 6656. Observium Discovery
-- Updating database/file schema 204 -> 205 ... (db) done. -- Done
2015-07-15 12:13 GMT-03:00 Mike Stupalov mike@observium.org:
On 15.07.15 17:58, Eduardo Schoedler wrote:
I have upgraded now to 6655 and I saw an db error.
Updated to revision 6655. Observium Discovery
-- Updating database/file schema 203 -> 204 ... (db) done (1 errors). -- Done
Looking the logs/db.log file:
[2015/07/09 21:46:19 -0300] poller.php(1595): Failed dbQuery (#1062 - Duplicate entry '73-4006-001exxxxxxxx' for key 'dev_vlan_mac'), Query: INSERT INTO `vlans_fdb` (`device_id`,`vlan_id`,`port_id`,`mac_address`,`fdb_status`) VALUES ('73','4006','17112','001exxxxxxxx','learned') [2015/07/09 21:46:19 -0300] poller.php(1595): Failed dbQuery (#1062 - Duplicate entry '73-4006-0022yyyyyyd3' for key 'dev_vlan_mac'), Query: INSERT INTO `vlans_fdb` (`device_id`,`vlan_id`,`port_id`,`mac_address`,`fdb_status`) VALUES ('73','4006','17112','0022yyyyyyd3','learned') ... [2015/07/15 11:49:52 -0300] discovery.php(12686): Failed dbQuery (#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes), Query: ALTER TABLE `slas` DROP INDEX `unique_key`, ADD UNIQUE `unique_key` (`device_id`, `sla_mib`, `sla_index`, `sla_owner`);
Can you verify, please?
Bleh.. indexes. Try with r6656.
-- Eduardo Schoedler
observium mailing listobservium@observium.orghttp://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium
-- Mike Stupalovhttp://observium.org
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium