I have a few host that were recently upgraded from ESXi5.1 to ESXi6.0.
After upgrading, Observium no longer is reporting on physical RAM, at all. Host are Dell r810/r720; at time of upgrade their OpenManage was also upgraded to 8.2.
The Observium event log for the servers say…
“Memory pool removed: mib host-resources-mib, index 27, descr Real Memory”
So I see it was removed, but why? I did an smptwalk on the box “snmpwalk -v2c -c XXXXX 10.X.X.X .”à HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrMemorySize.0 = INTEGER: 536857360 Kbytes
It looks like the value it still there. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanx in advance,