Hello, i have problem with updating Observium professional subscription via svn update.


I got following message from server.


root@otobsrvx:/opt/observium# svn update
Updating '.':
Error validating server certificate for 'https://svn.observium.org:443':
- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
- Hostname: svn.observium.org
- Valid: from Dec 3 20:01:51 2021 GMT until Mar 3 20:01:50 2022 GMT
- Issuer: sia.conti.de, GF FCLIT CIT IN OP CS IAS, Continental AG, Frankfurt, Hessen, DE
- Fingerprint: EF:F9:E2:5F:F9:31:10:02:6A:AD:8C:B9:8F:14:6F:F6:80:8D:D3:DB
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p
Authentication realm: https://svn.observium.org:443 Observium Professional Repository
Password for 'Barum-9395738': ********


Authentication realm: https://svn.observium.org:443 Observium Professional Repository
Username: ^Csvn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.observium.org/svn/observium/branches/stable'
svn: E200015: The operation was interrupted




Do you have any advice how to resolve it?


Thank you



Hezký den / Best regards,

Bc. Ondřej Hubáček

IT Network Specialist

Continental Tire Plant Otrokovice


Visitor’s address/Billing address:
Continental Barum s.r.o.
Objízdná 1628, 765 02 Otrokovice, Czech Republic

Phone:                        +420 577 512 765
Cell-phone:                 +420 739 604 074

Web:                           www.continental.cz



Continental Barum s.r.o., Objízdná 1628, 765 02 Otrokovice, The Czech Republic.

Executive heads: Ing Libor Láznička, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Černošek, Ing. Pavol Červenák.

Company registred: by the District Court in Brno, File No. C 15057. IČ: 45788235 I DIČ: CZ699000347 I DIČ: SK4020104055




