Observium uses red, which is fixed size round robin database. You can find information about how it works online. Perhaps we should document this too.
Data usage for a single host shouldn't grow over time, except event log entries and the like.
For an installation of that size you might want to use ssd or solid state ram drives. Spindles just won't survive the I/o load.
Michael Sweikata <sweikatam1@nku.edu> wrote:
Hey everyone;
I mentioned in a previous e-mail that we’re rolling out a deployment of Observium, and we absolutely love the product. I know that it’s designed as a historical data gathering tool, but I am concerned about the storage requirements for
the system. I have approximately 600 routers and switches on my campus, and eventually would like to get my servers involved (pushing the device count beyond two-thousand), and I’m concerned at the storage requirements for this. I couldn’t find this information
anywhere online, so I figured I would check with you guys.
Does Observium have any kind of roll-over archiving for device history beyond a certain point, or will it continually just grow the data in the files?