Try adding from the commandline. We generally discourage adding from the web interface, because some permissions stuff can fail in annoying ways.

on the CLI you can use -d to get extra debugging, too.


On 12/10/2016 12:49:53, Matt Vinson <> wrote:

Screenshot and snmpwalk attached. Some info redacted for security. The walk works as far as I can tell, it spits back info about the Wowza server I'm querying.

Matt Vinson
TSS Digital Services
On 10/12/2016 10:28 AM, Adam Armstrong wrote:

You probably need to provide screenshots of these things so that we can work out where you're going wrong.

Hearsay isn't admissible in court, and neither is it useful in debugging... ;)


Sent from BlueMail

On 12 Oct 2016, at 12:26, Matt Vinson <> wrote:
I noticed the Wowza MIB was in a recent update from SVN so I tried 
adding one of my hosts to our Observium server and it states:
No reply on community t-public-ss using v2c.
Could not reach 'HOSTNAME' with given SNMP parameters using v2c.

I have done an snmpwalk from the Observium server to the host in 
question and it works properly. Anybody have any idea why I can't add 
this host?


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