It was a bash script, and someone replaced it by a php script that doesn't seem to work, so someone wrote a bash script =)
On 10/03/2016 01:23, Adam Armstrong wrote:
Hi Peter,
I don't want to copy/paste that from an email, since I can't test it, could you attach it, or put it somewhere which is wgettable? Could you also make it load a freeradius.cnf for config variables if it exists?
Sent from Mailbird http://www.getmailbird.com/?utm_source=Mailbird&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=sent-from-mailbird
On 10/03/2016 00:19:59, peter.hine@familycourt.gov.au peter.hine@familycourt.gov.au wrote:
thanks Adam
that stops the error but doesn't work. "./freeradius
i rewrote it as bash
###########moved to freeradius.conf #client="/usr/bin/radclient"; #secret="adminsecret"; #port="18121"; #timeout=2; # Timeout for each attempt in seconds #retries=3; # Number of times to try ###########moved to freeradius.conf
msg1="Message-Authenticator = 0x00, FreeRADIUS-Statistics-Type = Authentication, Response-Packet-Type = Access-Accept" msg2="Message-Authenticator = 0x00, FreeRADIUS-Statistics-Type = Accounting, Response-Packet-Type = Access-Accept"
SCRIPT=`which $0` SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $SCRIPT` ABSPATH="`cd "$SCRIPTDIR" 2>/dev/null && pwd`"
. $ABSPATH/freeradius.conf
echo '>>' (echo "$msg1" | $client -x -t $timeout -r $retries$port status $secret;echo "$msg2" | $client -x -t $timeout -r $retries$port status $secret) | awk '/FreeRADIUS-Total/{print $1":"$3}'
Peter Hine Senior Technical Support Engineer (Servers) FCoA ITS peter.hine@familycourt.gov.au
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