You should ssh to the system after its installed rather than the vsphere cliebt. Life is way too short to do this stuff by hand ;)
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On 8 September 2015 22:57:33 Reuben Sankey <> wrote:
Thanks,missing the semicolon as you mentioned was the issue and redoing it helpedP.S. I cannot copy or paste text into the VMWare vSphere client sorry - so reverted to screenshottingThanksR._______________________________________________RegardsReubenOn Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:Indeed. You need to be very careful typing commands from documentation, it's so easy to make mistakes!
In this case you seem to have duplicated the second part of the statement, likely because you missed the semicolon and typed it again with the semicolon, leading to a duplicate!
Just do that part again, and it'll be fine!
Sent with AquaMail for Android
http://www.aqua-mail.comOn 8 September 2015 22:03:10 Tom Laermans <> wrote:
Hi Reuben,
You assume correctly.
However, the statement you entered in your mysql client is not the one from our documentation (so the syntax error is logical) - please try again.
PS: you could just paste the text instead of a screenshot of text...
On 08/09/2015 22:57, Reuben Sankey wrote:
Im setting up Observium on ubuntu server 14.04.1 LTS.Using the guide:
All going well until I get to the SQL database bit and have issues:mysql -u root -p<mysql root password>mysql> CREATE DATABASE observium DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON observium.* TO 'observium'@'localhost'-> IDENTIFIED BY '<observium db password>';
I assume the <observium db password> is to be replaced with a password?![]()
Thanks and regards,
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