All installation problems are solved by following the install guide properly.
We long ago decided that trying to diagnose what people typed wrong just isn't worth the time and just recommend that people reinstall in most cases.
Unless they want to pay us €1000 to fix it for them, of course :-)
Ryan Milton - MVS USA <> wrote:
So, I uninstalled the whole mess, reinstalled everything. ONe thing that immediately worked was the emails from observium!
On 07/27/2013 1:50 pm, Ryan Milton - MVS USA wrote:
What do you think?
It's really odd. Everything looks normal.
Is /opt/observium on your local filesystem or is it in NFS mount?
How many hosts are in your observium install so far?
I am a little baffled.
One thing that I do... not sure if it matters, is that I don't add any hosts by hand like in the install instructions. That is the only place I deviate.