Thanks for the hint, enabled it but still getting the same output:
MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like '%status%'; +----------------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------------+-------+ | innodb_buf_dump_status_frequency | 0 | | innodb_status_output | ON | | innodb_status_output_locks | ON | +----------------------------------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.001 sec)
Any other hints or things i might missing?
Thanks, Alex
From: Michael Kelly Sent: Thursday, 16 September 2021 11:57 To: Observium Cc: Joelly, Alexander Subject: Re: [Observium] MySQL/MariaDB monitoring
WARNING: This e-mail originated from outside of Magna. Be cautious with links and attachments. ________________________________ If I remember correctly, I think you need to enable InnoDB monitoring in MySQL as it is disabled by default. See for details.
Hope this helps, Michael.
On Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 10:43, Joelly, Alexander via observium <> wrote:
The MySQL App graphs on my Observium host only graphing the MySQL System & Queries but nothing for innoDB except the InnoDB Log
Is the anything additionally to set to get the other graphs working as well?
running the mysql query script locally gives following output: <<<mysql>>> a0:8 a1:4 a2:0 a3:0 a4:-1 a5:-1 a6:-1 a7:-1 a8:-1 a9:-1 aa:-1 ab:-1 ac:-1 ad:-1 ae:-1 af:-1 ag:-1 ah:-1 ai:-1 aj:-1 ak:-1 al:-1 am:-1 an:-1 ao:-1 ap:-1 aq:-1 ar:-1 as:-1 at:-1 au:-1 av:-1 aw:-1 ax:-1 ay:-1 az:-1 b0:-1 b1:-1 b2:-1 b3:-1 b4:0 b5:19 b6:0 b7:25 b8:284 b9:291 ba:2000 bb:32768 bc:2000 bd:0 be:3 bf:194 bg:0 bh:61 bi:133 bj:194 bk:7 bl:8192 bm:256 bn:44136 bo:-1 bp:-1 bq:0 br:-1 bs:0 bt:2247 bu:7249176 bv:931561 bw:1703944 bx:494047 by:99150 bz:5422 c0:13171 c1:16777216 c2:5988535 c3:2979656 c4:98399 c5:2734348 c6:43840 c7:0 c8:0 c9:0 ca:0 cb:0 cc:0 cd:35 ce:0 cf:19345 cg:0 ch:83601 ci:0 cj:49873 ck:538619 cl:694 cm:49775 cn:350 co:5 cp:12001694929 cq:1592734939 cr:16777216 cs:-1 ct:-1 cu:-1 cv:-1 cw:32768 cx:0 cy:0 cz:-1 d0:-1 d1:-1 d2:-1 d3:-1 d4:-1 d5:-1 d6:1 d7:-1 d8:-1 d9:-1 da:-1 db:-1 dc:-1 dd:-1 de:-1 df:-1 dg:-1 dh:-1 di:4836614 dj:124200 dk:0 dl:0 dm:1745 dn:7100602 do:83835892 dp:1394 dq:1697321 dr:77390433 ds:0 dt:0 du:0 dv:3953279 dw:1118301 dx:-1 dy:-1 dz:-1 e0:-1 e1:-1 e2:-1 e3:-1 e4:-1 e5:-1 e6:-1 e7:-1 e8:-1 e9:-1 ea:-1 eb:-1 ec:-1 ed:-1 ee:-1 ef:-1 eg:0 eh:24486912 ei:134217728 ej:12453 ek:2840
thx, Alex _______________________________________________ observium mailing list