I understand
Therefore, I support the paid PRO version...


Tomas Chott
technický ředitel

Phone: +420 245 004 005
Mobile: +420 733 123 135

Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o.
Jindrisska 18
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Popis: Facebook

Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele Adam Armstrong [adama@memetic.org]
Odesláno: 24. ledna 2017 17:27
Komu: Observium Network Observation System
Předmět: Re: [Observium] HWg-PWR ability read kWh

Yeah, this is on the list. Has been for a while.

Needs a lot of rewriting of the existing billing first though!


Sent from BlueMail
On 24 Jan 2017, at 16:25, "chott@praha1.net" <chott@praha1.net> wrote:
Thank you for info

we are using our script for calculating energy from APC Metered device.

Support for counters in observium for HWg is best way how we can use one system for monitoring energy like APC and HWg

Probably observium team can make support Energy accounting same as Traffic accounting


Tomas Chott
technický ředitel

Phone: +420 245 004 005
Mobile: +420 733 123 135

Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o.
Jindrisska 18
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Popis: Facebook

Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele Gumilar Siegfried [siegfried.gumilar@stadtwerke-feldkirch.at]
Odesláno: 24. ledna 2017 16:39
Komu: Observium Network Observation System
Předmět: Re: [Observium] HWg-PWR ability read kWh



I have added support for these devices: http://jira.observium.org/browse/OBSERVIUM-1945

Mike wanted to improve the code for the energy sensors, but I am also desperately waiting for them.




Von: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] Im Auftrag von chott@praha1.net
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Jänner 2017 21:27
An: observium@observium.org
Betreff: [Observium] HWg-PWR ability read kWh




can i read kWh from HWg-PWR device?


i my case Observium read only Voltage, Current and Power (working fine)



kWh  - for me example OID


. where .2004 is Total T1+T2 Wh

. where .2005 is Tarif T1 Wh

. where .2006 is Tarif T2 Wh


like INTEGER: 7642425 Wh



root@observium:/opt/observium# snmpwalk -v2c -c lsg <IP> .

iso. = INTEGER: 7642425



Tomas Chott
technický ředitel

Phone: +420 245 004 005
Mobile: +420 733 123 135

Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o.
Jindrisska 18
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic



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