Hi Folks,

Just bought the professional edition and have spend the last days to get everything in place and working.
Beside some issues with power monitoring for JANITZA power meter and APC UPS everything now looks good and I really enjoy the product.

My problem is that I am not living on an island and more in a world of connected clouds where I don’t always have admin access to the device I need to monitor and in most cases there is no SNMP interface but REST or other API’s instead.

In the past I used Cacti with mURLin and some basic ICMP, TCP and UDP probes (paping) which produced some MRTG graphs.

I just wonder if I missed something with Observium on how to monitor non SNMP enabled devices or if there is something similar available like described here: http://olivermarshall.net/enable-ping-tests-in-librenms/ where they used nagios-plugins for LibreNMS?

Thank you,
Wolfgang Riedel | Principal Engineer | CCIE#13804 | VCP #42559