Why do you keep cropping screenshots to show the minimum information possible? Do you not see how excruciatingly unhelpful that is?

I suspect this lack of understanding of the basic qualities of data is at the root of the problems you think you're seeing.


Sent from BlueMail

On 5 Apr 2016, at 00:24, RackEnd <info@rackend.net> wrote:

I see this: http://prntscr.com/ao85a3

Basically no INBOUND traffic being recorded.
Is this normal? Is there a way i can check a summary of IN/OUT traffic?


Ezequiel Pineda
Rackend Host
Skype: ezequielpinedau

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Marosko [mailto:ron@rjr-services.com]
To: observium@observium.org
Sent: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 18:02:50 -0500

You appear to be looking at the summary graph on the main overview page for the device. Go into the “ports” page for the device and look at the individual interfaces and see if that shows what you’re really looking for.


From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of RackEnd
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 5:55 PM
To: observium@observium.org
Subject: [Observium] Traffic Graph


Hello Everyone,

I have a -probably- small question i cant find an answer to.
I have a Single Observium server that polls the usage for all our network infrastructure. At this point Observium is core to our business.

The issue i have it that observium shows the graphs as a "Total Amount", not on separate channels.

We are pushing outgoing traffic at around 8Gb/s FROM our network out to the internet, but the incoming traffic is very small compared to the outgoing traffic.
Observium shows all traffic the same. Please look at http://prntscr.com/ao7w73

So according to this, the same traffic going OUT is the same traffic coming in.
So my question is, how can i differentiate this?


Ezequiel Pineda
Rackend Host
Skype: ezequielpinedau