12 Aug
12 Aug
2:46 p.m.
We have been running Observium under RHEL 6 for over a year now. After one of the last updates, I noticed that php 5.4 or newer was needed. Unfortunately, php 5.3.3 is current in RHN but I was able to update to 5.4 using a different repository. Then I had an issue with xcache not being available for 5.4.
This brings me to my current problem. I decided to go with the approved distro, Debian. My problem is that when I try to execute "svn co http://svn.observium.org/svn/observium/branches/stable observium", I get a few files and then randomly get the error “Checksum mismatch for ‘/opt/observium/somefilename.extension’
If I blow away the /opt/observium directory and run the command again, a different file gives me that error.