Wow, I fail at typing.
That line should have read:
Ok, so that port_id in the database table ports, has port_64bit set to 0.
I manually set the port_64bit to 1 and it seems to have fixed the issue, and subsequent poller runs and 1 discovery run didn't change that value back to 0.
From: observium [] On Behalf Of Teixeira, Mike Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 8:44 AM To: 'Observium Network Observation System (' Subject: Re: [Observium] Gaps in graph data
Ok so the port has the database has port_64bit set to 0. In the ports poller, it checks if it is numeric. Is the ASR1k being a pain by not reporting 64bit correctly?
From: observium [] On Behalf Of Teixeira, Mike Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 8:35 AM To: 'Observium Network Observation System (' Subject: [Observium] Gaps in graph data
I am researching why there are gaps in one of my bundle-ether interfaces on an ASR 1k. In the debug output of the poller, I see it collect the interface traffic from the device successfully. It collects both the high capacity and non-high capacity. Then, if I am reading the rrd update command it uses the non-high capacity interface. Below are snippets from the debug outputs. If you need the full debug I can send them directly to you. Attached is an image of the graph. Is there something else I should be looking at? I went this route because, it is only happening on this bundle-ether interface and a TenGig interface on the same device. There is another Bundle Interface that is fine, but it is labeled as a ifType of ieee8023adLag. In the debug it says: replacing with 64-bit...HighSpeed. Though I don't see that with the interface below.
Thanks for your help, Mike
[10] => Array ( [ifIndex] => 10 [ifDescr] => Bundle-Ether1 [ifType] => propVirtual [ifMtu] => 1514 [ifSpeed] => 4000000000 [ifPhysAddress] => 10:f3:11:51:62:e3 [ifAdminStatus] => up [ifOperStatus] => up [ifLastChange] => 0:0:03:01.93 [ifInOctets] => 3618978420 [ifInUcastPkts] => 934740742 [ifInDiscards] => 1 [ifInErrors] => 0 [ifInUnknownProtos] => 0 [ifOutOctets] => 165771594 [ifOutUcastPkts] => 3087859226 [ifOutDiscards] => 0 [ifOutErrors] => 0 [ifName] => Bundle-Ether1 [ifInMulticastPkts] => 0 [ifInBroadcastPkts] => 1 [ifOutMulticastPkts] => 0 [ifOutBroadcastPkts] => 2 [ifHCInOctets] => 162052735056500 [ifHCInUcastPkts] => 151258596102 [ifHCInMulticastPkts] => 0 [ifHCInBroadcastPkts] => 1 [ifHCOutOctets] => 5441889335626 [ifHCOutUcastPkts] => 15972761114 [ifHCOutMulticastPkts] => 0 [ifHCOutBroadcastPkts] => 2 [ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable] => enabled [ifHighSpeed] => 4000 [ifPromiscuousMode] => false [ifConnectorPresent] => false [ifAlias] => Transit: XXXXXXXXX 4x1GE DIA { XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX } [ifCounterDiscontinuityTime] => 0:0:00:18.00 )
SQL[UPDATE `ports-state` set `poll_time` ='1400166598',`poll_period` ='99',`ifInOctets` ='',`ifInOctets_rate` ='0',`ifInOctets_delta` ='0',`ifOutOctets` ='',`ifOutOctets_rate` ='0',`ifOutOctets_delta` ='0',`ifInErrors` ='',`ifInErrors_rate` ='0',`ifInErrors_delta` ='0',`ifOutErrors` ='',`ifOutErrors_rate` ='0',`ifOutErrors_delta` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts` ='',`ifInUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifInUcastPkts_delta` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts` ='',`ifOutUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifOutUcastPkts_delta` ='0',`ifInOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOutOctets_perc` ='0',`ifOctets_rate` ='0',`ifUcastPkts_rate` ='0',`ifErrors_rate` ='0' WHERE `port_id` = '12503'] STATE updated rows=1
Port Bundle-Ether1(10) HighSpeed, VLAN == Transit: XXXXXXXXX 4x1GE DIA { XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX }Array ( [type] => transit [descr] =>XXXXXXXXX 4x1GE DIA [circuit] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [speed] => [notes] => )
== array( [type] => string(7) "transit" [descr] => string(14) " XXXXXXXXX 4x1GE DIA" [circuit] => string(39) "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" [speed] => null [notes] => null )
ifInOctets (2011367387 B) 20316842.292929 Bps 99 secs
ifOutOctets (133713987 B) 1350646.3333333 Bps 99 secs
ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 99 secs
ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 99 secs
ifInUcastPkts (6083034 B) 61444.787878788 Bps 99 secs
ifOutUcastPkts (541695 B) 5471.6666666667 Bps 99 secs bps(162Mbps/10.8Mbps)bytes(1.87GB/127MB)pkts(61.4kpps/5.47kpps)RRD[cmd[update /ramdisk/rrd/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/port-10.rrd N:3618978420:165771594:0:0:934740742:3087859226:U:U:1:0:0:1:2:0:0] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:6.22] stderr[]]
Checking alerts Array ( [ifInOctets_rate] => 20316842.292929 [ifOutOctets_rate] => 1350646.3333333 [ifInErrors_rate] => 0 [ifOutErrors_rate] => 0 [ifInUcastPkts_rate] => 61444.787878788 [ifOutUcastPkts_rate] => 5471.6666666667 [ifOperStatus] => up [ifAdminStatus] => up [ifMtu] => 1514 [ifSpeed] => 4000000000 [ifInOctets_perc] => 4 [ifOutOctets_perc] => 0 [rx_ave_pktsize] => 330.65200473974 [tx_ave_pktsize] => 246.84367956138 )