Hi AJ,
Feel free to post the beginnings of what you have to our Jira tracker as an attachment. Recognizing a device is always the first step!
However, to parse specific MIBs actual code will need to be written, and currently this is indeed somewhat "start off from something existing and modify" I think.
Adam might be able to tell you what the best places are to start off from. If there are any "static" things we have some array definitions where you can just add the correct OIDs and we'll pick them up.
On 2015-09-08 23:46, AJ Schroeder wrote:
Hello list,
Let me get this out of the way; I am not a developer.
Anyway, I have the pleasure of supporting a network that has older Nortel and Avaya devices on it. I’ve added them to observium and as expected they are showing up as generic devices. I browsed through the developer section on how to add new device support and I have followed those steps and have added some very basic support for Nortel switches (OS version and Serial Number)
First question – would this extra support be of any interest to the Observium devs?
I’d like to add more meaningful information such as CPU/Memory utilization, flash usage, etc. However, that step appears to be a bit more challenging. Second question – is this documented somewhere or do I need to “reverse engineer” this support from the existing scripts?
Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
AJ Schroeder
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium